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KNA PICKUPS VV-3 Violin pickup

Violin Pickup | Product code:

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  • KNA PICKUPS VV-3V VV-3 Violin/Viola Pickup

    KNA PICKUPS VV-3V VV-3 Violin/Viola Pickup

VV-3 is a passive piezo pickup for violin and viola. It is designed to provide a very natural sound and preserve the specific acoustic properties of the instrument. The output jack of this model is embedded in a low profile ebony construction, while the piezo sensor itself is encased in a lightweight wooden housing to give it maximum sensitivity. The entire system operates in passive mode, so it doesn't require a battery or other power supply to operate.

The system can be very easily and securely mounted using special clamps that require no drilling or other intervention in the tool. For maximum safety, it is also coated with a soft cork layer to protect the tool's paintwork. Two sizes of clamps are supplied with the pickup, so you can easily mount it on tools of different sizes.

KNA Pickups focuses mainly on the production of high-end pickups for acoustic instruments. With these European, handmade products, you can rely on select components, quality woods, elegant design and, of course, above all, first-class sound.
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  • Pickup Type: Piezo
  • Colour: Brown
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